Title: Influence of life cycle oriented services on the energy
efficiency of machine tools
Name: Dr. Gülsüm Mert
(former student)
Project description:
Starting situation / Motivation
Caused by rising energy prices and a higher responsibility for our environment manufacturers consider more and more energy saving measures. Machine tool manufacturers aim to fulfill the requirements of the customers and offer machine tools with energy efficient components. Currently, research projects are focused on technical optimizations for reducing the energy demand of machine tools and do not consider that services also might increase the energy efficiency. Therefore, the motivation of this project is to analyze the impact of life cycle oriented services (e.g. hotline service, maintenance, retrofit etc.) on the energy efficiency of machine tools.
1. Step: Analysis of the life cycle of a machine tool
2. Step: Assessment of the energy efficiency of a machine tool
3. Step: Identification of services to increase the energy efficiency of machine tools
4. Step: Evaluation of the impact of services on the energy efficiency of machine tools
Expected Results
It is expected to identify the services which have no, low or high influence on the energy efficiency of machine tools. The energy savings by the use of services will be calculated for the entire life cycle of a machine tool. The results will help machine tool manufacturers to offer a better support for their customers to reduce energy costs.