Title: Turning of Al-MMCs – 3D FE simulation
Name: José Leonardo York Duran
(former student)
Project description:
Starting situation
Metal matrix composites (MMC) are a result of reinforcing light-weight metals with particles, typically of ceramic origin. These composites present excellent proprieties like high strength-to-weight and high modulus-to-weight ratio. Additionally they have and excellent fatigue and corrosion resistance. Properties that make these MMC particularly interesting for the industry.
Due to the hard reinforcement particles, machining processes like turning, induces thermal loads, high peak forces as well as cyclic loadings on the cutting tool. Those effects cannot be directly measured. For this reason the main goal of this project is the 3D simulation of turning process by using the finite element method (FEM). Here the development of a material model for MMC's is required.
In this project we will develop a material model of Al-MMC which allows for a variation of particle size, volume fraction and distribution.
The turning processe simulation as well as the modeling of those composites will be carried out in ABAQUS/Standard, possibly using the particle finite element method (PFEM) in a colabotarion with the project UKL 3.1.
Expected Results
We expect a prognosis of the stress, deformation and temperature distributions. Additionally resulting forces on the tool will be studied, besides a prediction of the influence of the variation of particle size, volume fraction, and distribution over the cutting loads will be analyzed. Furthermore the impact of particle accumulations on the tool wear will be considered.
Figure X: Example of 3D FE turning.